Account Name: Friends of Amani Tanzania
Account No: 00036740
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Please advise FOAT’s Treasurer by email to:
You may wish to set up a standing order for regular giving to the Amani Centre by using this option.
Please click on the link to go straight to the Just Giving donate site for Friends of Amani Tanzania.
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Friends of Amani Tanzania’ and sent to the registered address:
Jaycroft, Elm Lane, Lower Earley, Reading, RG6 5UG
If you are a UK tax payer please complete the Gift Aid form (found at the bottom of this page) and return it to us at the registered charity address.
Supporting the Amani Centre does not necessarily have to be financial. It can include materials or equipment that would be of particular benefit to the community based rehabilitation activities of Amani Centre.
Friends of Amani Tanzania does not have the resources or infrastructure to receive donations in kind for post to Tanzania. We would encourage all expressions of interest in sending donations in kind to be communicated to FOAT using the details on the 'Contact Us' page. We can then put you in touch with the appropriate contact at The Amani Centre.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? If you plan to organise a fundraising event or participate in an organised charitable event, we have made it easy for you to ask for donations online using Just Giving;
If you are a UK tax payer it is possible to re-claim the Gift Aid using this facility.
If you are a UK tax payer please complete the Gift Aid form and return it to us at the registered charity address.
Friends of Amani Tanzania (the “Charity”)
Jaycroft, Elm Lane, Lower Earley
Reading, RG6 5UG
United Kingdom