FOAT takes the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults seriously. We strongly uphold all efforts to combat the sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment of beneficiaries and staff. FOAT adheres to UK Charity Commission Safeguarding standards and International Definitions of abuse and maltreatment.
The FOAT Safeguarding Policy lays out our strategies to prevent harm, to reduce risk and to respond appropriately to any concerns.
All Trustees and visitors to Amani via FOAT are required to comply with the Code of Conduct embedded within the Safeguarding Policy document.
Safeguarding Policy - rev June 2024 (pdf)
DownloadUpon Bridget and Leslie's visit to Amani in August 2024, then ensured that all Amani's core sites have Safeguarding notices in English and Swahili displayed in a prominent position on site.
To the right shows the notice being put up at Magubike.
Children with disabilities are at high risk of sexual abuse and there have been several cases over the years that indicate how vulnerable these children are!
Four years ago, the community workers at Amani were trained in contextualised child protection strategies. In January this year, Costansia Mselewa, one of these workers (fourth on the right) led two successful Safeguarding interactive sessions at Mikese and Cha Mwino.
These were an opportunity for staff and parents to learn more about how to keep children safe. Prevention is always better than cure and it was good to hear reports on how well attended these seminars were.
FOAT takes Safeguarding seriously! This is not only because the UK Charity Commission requires high standards in reducing risk for children, but because the heart of FOAT’s work is to advocate for the rights of vulnerable children and young people.
In May, one of our Trustees, Cathy Swanson ran a Child Protection Workshop in Morogoro which aimed to deliver quality training in Swahili. There were 32 delegates from across a range of NGOs, charities, churches, and projects. Eight delegates were from our very own Amani Centre, and another six came from the Ecumenical Project that FOAT supports in Shinyanga.
All in all, it was an exciting and collaborative opportunity which led to concrete action steps: each group left with a confidence in how they could make changes in their work practices that would protect children and promote their rights to a life free from exploitation and abuse.